Punica granatum is the vegetative name of our pomegranate peel.
Our pomegranate peel powder possesses numerous therapeutic nutritional value advantages. It is helpful in diabetes, battles tumor, protects brain, liver and heart against oxidative anxiety and degenerative infections as well as helpful in oral condition. Our range has anti-fungal and anti-bacterial qualities, which makes it appropriate in curing numerous infections. The pomegranate peel powder has improved total phenols and dietary fibers. It also has considerable enhancement in potassium, zinc, calcium and iron levels. This supports recovery, helps assimilation of food and in addition, is a medicine for the liver. It comes with cancer prevention agents and could be used as a potent additive in sustenances alongside medicines. In all actuality, our pomegranate peel power has exceeding anti-oxidants contrasted with arils. It additionally provides anti-bacterial process.
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